const model = new Model({ count : 0 });
const Counter = Component.create`
'.up' : () => model.count++,
'.down' : () => model.count--,
<div>Counter: ${() => model.count}</div>
<button class="up">Increment</button>
<button class="down">Decrement</button>
Counter.mount({ model }, document.body);
Build dynamic UI components using intuitive template literals.
Simplify event handling with built-in delegation.
Keep your UI and data in sync with ease.
Render as plain text for server-side use or static builds.
Minimal overhead with efficient rendering.
Seamlessly integrates into existing Backbone.js projects.
Built on modern web standards, no tooling required.
$ npm install rasti
import { Model, Component } from 'rasti';
import { Model, Component } from '';
tag<script src=""></script>
const { Model, Component } = Rasti;
// Define a Timer component that displays the number of seconds from the model.
const Timer = Component.create`
Seconds: <span>${({ model }) => model.seconds}</span>
// Create a model to store the seconds.
const model = new Model({ seconds: 0 });
// Mount the Timer component to the body and pass the model as an option.
Timer.mount({ model }, document.body);
// Increment the `seconds` property of the model every second.
setInterval(() => model.seconds++, 1000);
// Define the routes for the navigation menu.
const routes = [
{ label: 'Home', href: '#' },
{ label: 'Faq', href: '#faq' },
{ label: 'Contact', href: '#contact' },
// Create a Link component for navigation items.
const Link = Component.create`
<a href="${({ options }) => options.href}">
${({ options }) => options.renderChildren()}
// Create a Navigation component that renders Link components for each route.
const Navigation = Component.create`
${({ options, partial }) =>
({ label, href }) => partial`<${Link} href="${href}">${label}</${Link}>`
// Create a Main component that includes the Navigation and displays the current route's label as the title.
const Main = Component.create`
<${Navigation} routes=${({ options }) => options.routes} />
${({ model, options }) => options.routes.find(
({ href }) => href === (model.location || '#')
// Initialize a model to store the current location.
const model = new Model({ location: document.location.hash });
// Update the model's location state when the browser's history changes.
window.addEventListener('popstate', () => model.location = document.location.hash);
// Mount the Main component to the body, passing the routes and model as options.
Main.mount({ routes, model }, document.body);
Rasti is built for developers who want a simple yet powerful way to create UI components without the complexity of heavy frameworks. Whether you're prototyping, building a high-performance dashboard, or modernizing a Backbone.js app, Rasti lets you:
You can find a sample TODO application in the example folder of the Rasti GitHub repository. This example serves as a great starting point for your own projects. Try it live here.
For detailed information on how to use Rasti, refer to the API documentation.
A market analytics platform efficiently rendering over 300 dynamic rows, updated in real-time with thousands of messages per second via multiple WebSocket connections.
A DOM-based remake of the classic Ms. Pac-Man game. Rasti powers its custom game engine.